May 26 9:00 Buses load in front of main building and depart for Elkhorn Hot springs. Bring swimsuit / Towel / Warm Jacket / Camp chair. (Seniors going to state for Tennis do not need to come to school that morning.)

Seniors do not need to come for 1st period that day

May 27 8:15 Graduation practice at the BW Lodge

            About 9:30 Senior Checkout

May 28 No school for seniors

May 29 7:00 PM Baccalaureate in Auditorium (Seniors please show up by 6:40 PM)

May 30 Graduation Day

            11:45 Honor Society Workers Valedictorians, Salutatorian to BW Lodge

1:00 Seniors at BW Lodge

1:10 Group Photo in the bleachers at BW Lodge

1:15 Band and Choir kids arrive

            1:50 Lineup for ceremony

            2:00 Ceremony begins